Our group consisting of myself, Rey, Oscar & Wi vern were one of six groups chosen from the Advertising Strategy course to present our creative brief presentations directly to our client Fitted for Work.
Our task was to develop a creative brief directed at a target audience of corporate clients mostly at an organisational level and individuals who are within various organisations.
We also came up with the single minded proposition of: Fitted for Work provides a transformational journey for the women they help. The supporting facts that underpinned the SMP was that FFW, it’s corporate partners, and individuals understand the steps and difficulties faced to overcome adversity in order to achieve success. Through empowering women FFW increases the chances of belonging to a success story.
The media channels we chose to use for the target audience was direct mail [emails and physical invitations], landing page [emails SEM], personal selling, event/take home elements, PR, sponsorships, social media [Linkedin/Facebook], print editorials and podcast ads [audio].
You can hear the podcast ad I wrote the copy for and recorded and mixed right here
Well done team that’s twice chosen to present to a real client!