Creative brief pitched to Red Cross Blood Service!

Our group named the ‘Artery Ad Agents’ consisting of (Ruby, Ramy, Rey, Connor & Wi Vern) were one of five groups chosen from the Advertising Strategy course to present our creative brief presentations directly to the Australian Red Cross Blood Service [ARCBS].

The task was to develop a creative campaign based on our Creative brief consisting of FIVE (5) creative executions that uses advertising (both traditional and digital) and at least one other IMC communication tool.

All creative advertising executions we propose must communicate the same single-minded intended message in the brief and the same branding properties. Each advertising execution should be designed as a stand-alone piece – i.e. so you don’t have to see all executions to understand each ad.

To be chosen and considered worthy enough to present to a live client such as the Australian Red Cross Blood Service was indeed a great feat for us but also a proud moment to be able to provide input to a worthy cause!