Fitted for Work Podcast Ad

The creative brief for campaign strategy was to assist Fitted for Work [FFW], a charity that helps women experiencing disadvantage get into work and keep it. Our objectives was to for 30% of our target audience to see progressive development that FFW does in the local community, create a positive feeling with our target audience about FFW helping the unemployed women in the community via equipping them with suitable workwear and employment skills and to create an interest in the brand among 20% of our target audience.

One of our executions was to promote FFW via podcast ads as our target audience was primarily medium to large corporate organisations that have a strong inclination towards assisting diversity and equality within the workforce by supporting women, and secondarily individual males and females who may be young corporate professionals aged 30-45 who have achieved some success through their career and are motivated to give back to the community.

Here is the copy I wrote and recorded for podcast ad spots:

Meet Mary,
Her country was torn apart by war and famine.
She was a caterer back home.
She arrived to Australia 24 months ago as a refuge.
Now, she is fluent in English and preparing for a job.
We helped her with her resume and clothing.
She’s landed a job as a pastry chef and starts next week.
This is her journey.
We help women develop their confidence & achieve economic security.
Fitted for life.